I guess I have to quit telling people I"m only 38 years old since today is Cheryl and my 36th wedding anniversary!
We never thought 36 years ago that we would live in Tulsa, Lawton, Spiro, Denver, Collierville, Martin, Whites Creek and Clarksville.
I wish I had digital pictures from all of those places. That might be a good project for another time.
Here is a video with "our song" playing in the background. It is made from pictures from the last few years plus a couple of old ones at the beginning. Hahaha. I get all teary-eyed every time I watch it and I'm the one that put it together.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Blogging Again
I've let FaceBook take the place of my blog. It was faster and easier and I didn't have to think of much to say.
But last night as I was searching for some pictures and looking back through this blog I realized this is a perfect way to keep pictures and memories through the years. So.... I'm going to start blogging again here on Papa Lyndel's Blog.
But last night as I was searching for some pictures and looking back through this blog I realized this is a perfect way to keep pictures and memories through the years. So.... I'm going to start blogging again here on Papa Lyndel's Blog.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
No Posts for Months - Blame DISH
I saw that Haley, my daughter-in-law had posted something new on her blog and she mentioned how it had been 5 months - or something like that - since she last posted. So I looked at my Papa Lyndel blog (this one) and saw that the last time I posted here was at Easter!

Haley knows the reason. Dish Internet is INCREDIBLY SLOW!! It is sooooo slow that I cancelled it and had to pay cancellation fees for quitting before my contract was up. But the cancellation fee was cheaper than paying for it for another 6 months - it just all came out at once.
I guess I should ask them if I get a refund for all of the days it didn't work. What days would that be? Any day with clouds that were heavier than wispy white.
Here is a diagram that explains how satellite Internet works. This may explain part of the slowness.

If the only way to get the Internet was through satellite dishes the Internet would die in about two weeks. All e-commerce would come to a screeching halt. But then I guess we would be spared a lot of YouTube videos of cat's sleeping and stuff like that.
Maybe I should have had more dishes. This would look cool out on Hickory Point don't you think?

So if you are curious about my grandchildren - which is the point of this blog - you'll have to be my friend on FaceBook I guess. I can upload from my phone on FaceBook and now and then will put up pictures of my 6 beautiful grandbabies. Even ATT with my slow "E" connection (no! they don't have 3G in the country) is a thousand times better than DISH satellite.
You can always keep up with my church blog - http://www.hilldaleworship.blogspot.com/
Sunday, April 04, 2010
A Special Easter - Gibson's Baptism
Easter is a great day as we celebrate the Risen Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.
There isn't a better picture of Christ's death and resurrection than one of His follower's baptism. It's the perfect thing for an Easter Sunday morning.
However, this year we presented our Passion Play on Easter weekend. It's not a spritiual thing to pick this weekend, it's a Spring Break thing with half of my choir and actors gone during Spring Break.
This year in the Passion Play we had John the Baptist baptizing. I hate to give away any set design secrets, but we didn't really have the Jordan River, we had a horse trough from Tractor Supply hidden with various plants and paper rocks.
Today Gibson was baptized by His Papa as part of Hilldale's 9:45 morning worship service. (You may notice the horse trough in the pictures.)

There isn't a better picture of Christ's death and resurrection than one of His follower's baptism. It's the perfect thing for an Easter Sunday morning.
However, this year we presented our Passion Play on Easter weekend. It's not a spritiual thing to pick this weekend, it's a Spring Break thing with half of my choir and actors gone during Spring Break.
This year in the Passion Play we had John the Baptist baptizing. I hate to give away any set design secrets, but we didn't really have the Jordan River, we had a horse trough from Tractor Supply hidden with various plants and paper rocks.
Today Gibson was baptized by His Papa as part of Hilldale's 9:45 morning worship service. (You may notice the horse trough in the pictures.)
First I told about when I was young and became a follower of Christ at an early age. It's a very natrual thing to do when you grow up in a Christian home and you see Christ's love at home and spend a lot of time at church. Later as a teenager, with a more mature understanding of sin and a person's need for a Savior I questioned whether or not a six year old could really understand what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. So I made that decision again and was baptized again. But if you think about it, each day we need to decide that today I will live like a follwer of Christ. I don't mean we need to get "saved" again. Jesus, Himself, said we should take up our cross daily and follow him.
A few years later, looking back over my life at the ripe old age of my early twenties, I realized that I DID understand when I was six what it meant to follow Jesus and that WAS when I became a Christian. Jesus said we should all me to Him with the faith of a little child.

I baptize you, Gibson, as your Papa and as a Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Buried with Christ in baptism.
Raised to walk in newness of life.
It was a great moment.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Dancing with the Stars - Grani's Brithday
Grani's birthday happened to be on the first night of this seaon's Dancing with the Stars. Since Grani and Papa and all the grandkids like to watch Dancing with the Stars Aunt Haley and the kids decided it was the perfect theme for a birthday party!
Here are the stars!
We danced and danced.
and ate pizza
and watched Dancing with the Stars

and danced some more
Papa had the sexy shirt-unbuttoned look going on to match Grani's fishnet hose. It really bothered Elam. He kept saying, "Shirt open!"
The only hair gel we could find was Haven's, so that's what I used. It had sparkles in it! but I don't think they show up in the pictures. Haha.
We had a wonderful evening together. Gibson said, "We HAVE to do this next year!"
Dancing with the Stars,
Grani's birthday
Monday, January 18, 2010
Putting Up the Christmas Tree
There's rarely any time to blog...

And even when there is time it takes forever with our incredibly slow internet from DISH. And if the clouds are very thick then it's even slower. And if there is rain it probably isn't going to work at all. But of course DISH says that never happens. HA! So uploading pictures of grandbabies can take a verrrrrrry long time.
And even when there is time it takes forever with our incredibly slow internet from DISH. And if the clouds are very thick then it's even slower. And if there is rain it probably isn't going to work at all. But of course DISH says that never happens. HA! So uploading pictures of grandbabies can take a verrrrrrry long time.
We have lots of fun on Hickory Point with the grandkids.
The Saturday after Thanksgiving all of the kids and grandkids were at the house so we decided it would be fun if Papa and the grandkids put up the Christmas Tree.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
a Big Bunch of Littletons
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
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