Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Middle Child

Grani pointed out that the middle child never gets her own time. The poor middle child always has the older child in her pictures ('cause he's always been there) and then is overshadowed by the new cousin and the new brother.

So this is Papa's tribute to this lovely - and very photogenic - middle grandbaby who is so beautiful and full of fun and life and - by the way - is the only grandchild who will talk on the phone to Papa. Yeah Haven. I love you!
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Jay Beerley said...

Cute...you've gotta love that big smile!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for adding this tribute to my beautiful blonde baby (I mean) "big" girl. She the best big sister and little sister ever and she needs her own space every now and then.

OKeedokey said...

I showed Haven your blog and she said, "Where's Papa?"

Anonymous said...

Little Haven, not only talks on the phone to Papa, but also to grandpa & grandma. (her big brother does also once in a great while) this little princes has enough love to share with everyone and we are so blessed to recieve this love almost every week.