Friday, August 22, 2008

An Evening with Hannah and Benjamin

Hannah and Benjamin's Mommy and Daddy had plans for tonight that I guess didn't include children. Works for me! So we spent the evening together and they are spending the night too. How fun is that?

So we got to Hannah and Benjamin's house and Hannah came out to meet us. Grani gave Hannah a copy of the new Baptist Hymnal for Mommy. Hannah recognizes the music and knows it has songs to sing.

Benjamin loves to read books, so we read a book before we left.

We loaded up the car and said goodbye to Mommy and Daddy.

Then we went to Steak and Shake.

Look at the smiles you get when you put sugar on their place mats.

After we ate supper we went to Lowes.

Then we went to the mall to ride the horses!

After that was a quick trip to Kroger so we would have food to eat this weekend.

Now we're at Grani and Papa's house. The house is clean - surprise! - so they are having fun going everywhere.

Hannah showed Benjamin the secret door.

Grani read a story.

Doctor Grani is listening to Hannah's heart.

Doctor Hannah is giving Papa a shot.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Happy Birthday !(late) Elam

Papa and Grani called Elam before they left for Rio. He is two now and such a big boy. But since Papa was in Rio he didn't get some pictures of Elam up for his birthday. So now, 9 days late, here is a little picture tribute to Elam.
Grani and Papa love you!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Traveling to Rio

Don't forget that Papa and Grani are in Brazil this week. You can keep up with their adventures on Papa's church blog

Here we are on the plane to Rio. See how calm and relaxed Grani is! Yeah!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Some Cool Pictures

I haven't posted here in several days. Grani and Papa have been working on the house - cleaning, putting things in storage, etc. The realtor is putting a lock box on the door today so she can start showing the house. We're hoping she sells it while we are on our mission trip so we don't have to clean up every morning before we go to work.

But the reason I'm posting today is because my grandchildren need to go to my church blog to see some really cool pictures. I know their mommas check this blog, so that's why I'm posting this here. The rest of you may want to go check it out too. COOL STUFF!

You can click the title of this post and it will take you there. Here's a preview of what you will see.